Friday 6 December 2013

The Christmas Jumper Challenge

So,  today I enter my place of work armed with all intents and purpose of ‘Christmas-izing my colleagues with my loud, cheesy Christmas jumper.

But what went wrong??

I mean sure, I’ve had the odd wink, thumbs up, even a few ‘nice jumper’ comments from a few of the predatory men in my office.  (Let’s face it though, these are the guys who would compliment me on a nice pair of socks).
But it wasn’t enough for me.  Being the attention seeking, outrageous character I turn into during casual Friday at work; I like to stand out from the crowd…..and when the majority of said crowd are also wearing Christmas jumpers which are disappointingly on par with the outrageousness of mine I find it a little, well, outrageous.

So I’ve decided to up the ante.  This weekend I will be customizing my otherwise ordinary jumper and turning it into a festive freak show to delight and inspire people from all over the world (of Christian descent of course) into loving Christmas (and my jumper) – equally.

Being a dab hand with a knitting needle and thread (who knew, the girl can sew!) I’m thinking a makeshift felt tree, baubles sewn across my front and back (so that with a coat on over I resemble the hunchback, sides and front of Notre Dame), some fake snow bobbles, maybe even a sewn on recording device that shouts out Noddy Holder’s famous line “It’s Chriiistmassssss’”every time I press it..

Anyhow, my challenge has been set, and tomorrow (that’s Saturday folks) I will be embarking on a quest to buy lots of cheap and cheerful bits and pieces to bring my dream jumper to life.
The best bit is, I’m stopping over at my sister’s in the evening to perform saintly babysitting duties, so will keep the little blighters busy by setting them an ‘arts and craft’ project before bed time whilst I delegate tasks!  

“Right, you…careful with that tinsel now….” (Welcome to the Christmas work house kids!)

I am an amazing auntie, and pretty soon, people will see me coming down the street and say:  “She looks like Christmas.”


I’d love to hear about your Xmas jumpers this year….and I’ll be sure to post up some images of my design!!

Till next time



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