Monday, 2 December 2013

Are YOU a commitment phobe?

So, I've blogged about how to know when you're dating a commitment phobe, but the post got me to thinking; what are commitment phobes actually like?

After compiling a few thoughts (both my own and from across the web) i realised that, whilst I may have dated one...I am actually one myself! (Pot, kettle, black anyone!?).

See how you measure up in the commitment stakes with my handy (and insightful!) checklist:


You have a long and elaborate mental list of requirements for your ideal partner (but nobody quite matches up to your impossibly high standards).

You go from one short lived 'fling' to the next.

You have a habit of dating 'unavailable' people

You back out of plans at the last minute and have trouble setting a time for dates. (how about Thursday).

You cultivate large networks of friends at the expense of a single romantic relationship.

You have a lot of relationship trauma in your past.

You sometimes feel emotionally unstable and can't deal with more than one thing at a time (a relationship is always the first thing to go!).

Your career is very important to you and you often choose work over relationships (rationalisation: Work pays me, relationships break my heart).

You constantly blow hot and cold with dates.

You fall quickly for people but it is short lived.

You mock people that are in happy relationships, seeing them as 'trapped' rather than content.

You get scared the minute someone you're dating tries to put a label on 'your relationship' as being, well, a relationship (but you'd probably carry on seeing them if you knew there wasn't going to be any pressure).

You have warped ideas of marriage being like a fairy tale and can't comprehend the mundane elements of being with someone forever (Bills, kids, late nights, early mornings....pah)

On the rare occasion you do open up to someone; if they hurt you, it feels devestating (not just because you liked them so much but because you let your guard down!).

The idea of falling for someone fills you with fear!

So....are YOU a commitment phobe like little old me?  i'd love to hear your thoughts!

Until next time




  1. I was a commitment phobe. I'm now happily married! Go figure!

  2. Wow! That gives me hope! So, perhaps us commitment phobes are merely a lot more picky and refuse to settle? I certainly couldn't imagine settling down, but I can imagine being with someone for life that makes me laugh and whom I fancy maybe it will happen naturally?! x

  3. I think it does, I think commitment phobia is just a way of telling us it's the wrong person. I wouldn't say I've settled down either, one of the keys is that we both do things seperately, as well as things we do together.

    If you can imagine being with someone for the rest of your life, then you're not as scared of commitment as you might think, just of commiting to the wrong person!
